Guidde vs nextcept



Capture how-to videos instantly

You capture your Video in seconds
Click capture from our browser extension and go through your workflow - click stop when you’re done. We’ll take it from here.
We make it Beautiful
Make it on brand and on-point each time.
Edit steps in your process, blur sensitive information, add text, annotations, and custom branding. No design degree required.
You share it anywhere
Share your Guidde with one click to any channel. Share internally or externally, and control who you want to have access.
Create an instant article with direct HTML copy.

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

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Guidde Explainer Video

Guidde Latest Tweets



Ask anyone about your ideas - get valuable and insightful results

Nextcept allows organizations to find out which of their ideas offers the greatest chance of future success. This is accomplished by allowing you to apply value to your invites and organize your ideas. The opinions and ratings you receive will be uniquely calibrated to your organization and greatly increase your odds of success. Additionally, invited users of nextcept will be able to use their account to communicate with many organizations, and there will be no limitations on how many campaigns one can access.

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