Guidde vs V LOCATORS



Capture how-to videos instantly

You capture your Video in seconds
Click capture from our browser extension and go through your workflow - click stop when you’re done. We’ll take it from here.
We make it Beautiful
Make it on brand and on-point each time.
Edit steps in your process, blur sensitive information, add text, annotations, and custom branding. No design degree required.
You share it anywhere
Share your Guidde with one click to any channel. Share internally or externally, and control who you want to have access.
Create an instant article with direct HTML copy.

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

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Have you ever known someone that had a missing person or child in his or her life?

The focus of this company is on those that are missing or wanted in people’s lives.
- The company is using an unconventional and proprietary marketing method that opens the emotional door.
- It's a combination of analytics, SEO, Keyword and Social Media. Then an actual emotional search pattern is developed or created and we’re the only ones that have it.
- Then tagged on actual emotional search pattern is developed.
- Other packages will be offered that include DNA, Facial Recognition, Aging,
- This allows it to capitalize on the characteristics of emotional search patterns.
- Remember 90% of decisions we make use the emotional part of our brain
*Revenue is obtained from Sponsor and each selection is $2,500 per missing person per year
*Production and service cost equal 25%, give us a margin of 70*-75%

Location: Cincinnati, United States

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