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My AskAI

AI customer support chatbots for SaaS businesses that reduce support tickets by 75%, overnight

Next Starter AI

Launch your SaaS in days, not weeks with Next Starter AI: Your all in one NextJs Typescript Boilerplate kit with Stripe/Lemon Squeezy payment integration along with the best marketing/SEO toolkit; SaaS marketing made easy!


Get noticed, get opened, get results - UniqMail's AI ensures your emails never go unnoticed.

Modern Mentor

We help people find reliable gurus.


Loopcv automates the job application process and helps you find a job super fast.

Jetpac Travel eSIM

Jetpac is a travel eSIM that ensures seamless data connectivity across 50 countries for Travellers worldwide.

ScanMate: AI QR Scanner

ScanMate: Your AI QR Scanner for lightning-fast code scans


Create GPT chat apps without coding


Discover Your Path to Success - Experience 1 on 1 Coaching Across Diverse Interests


Turn your long videos into shorts

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