Track the Parcel

Track parcel delivery status with all the major postal services and carriers in one place!

Online Parcel Tracking Tool

TrackTheParcel is a one-stop tool for tracking parcel status with all major package shippers: FedEx, UPS, USPS, Canada Post, Cainiao, Hermes, DPD, DHL, and many more. We strive to make it easier for users to quickly verify the status of their packages without needing to visit each carrier’s site. Simply enter your tracking number or select the shipper that is delivering your parcel and you can quickly and easily check the current status and location of your package.

Supported Carriers

See All Carriers

We are interested in hearing more from our users about what features they want us to develop, so please email us. Want us to support more carriers? Let us know. We are also interested in hearing from carriers who want to reach a new customer base. Get featured on our site by contacting us today.