CuddlyNest vs Remame



Online booking platform

CuddlyNest is the fastest-growing accommodation booking platform built by travellers. Offering millions of properties of all types across 200+ countries, it focuses on a traveler-first approach. The platform offers the lowest aggregate commission fee on the global OTA (online travel agency) market, setting out to revolutionise the booking system by cutting unnecessary travel fees with its innovative booking fee-sharing model.

Location: Orlando , USA

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Remame is an iOS app that gives you a simple way to remember names of different people you just met.

The app focuses on simplicity and speed.Just launch the app and type a name or ask your new friend to type his name right in the app. Furthermore it has a few killer features like auto-detection of your meeting, importing to Contacts in one click, support of Today widget to keep new names at hand and cool iMessage stickers.

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