Guidde vs humanpredictions



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Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

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Human Predictions is fascinated with data and focused on tech recruiting to surface the right people at the right time, while partnering with you to reach out in a human way.

We gather public data and use machine learning to predict when people are more likely to be open to new job opportunities, when people are more likely to respond to an email, when people are more likely to relocate, and other key indicators that help improve how and when you connect with someone!
In addition to our predictions, we’ll also show you what people are building and saying in niche tech communities. In addition to our predictions, we’ll also show you what people are building and saying in niche tech communities. We’ll tell you if they’ve spoken at a conference or if they’ve made any open source contributions. Do they have commit access into any popular open source projects? Do they answer questions on Stack Overflow? Which Meetup groups are they involved with? You’ll learn a lot more about someone than just what’s on their resume.

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