Guidde vs Snipper App



Capture how-to videos instantly

You capture your Video in seconds
Click capture from our browser extension and go through your workflow - click stop when you’re done. We’ll take it from here.
We make it Beautiful
Make it on brand and on-point each time.
Edit steps in your process, blur sensitive information, add text, annotations, and custom branding. No design degree required.
You share it anywhere
Share your Guidde with one click to any channel. Share internally or externally, and control who you want to have access.
Create an instant article with direct HTML copy.

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

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Snipper App

Snipper App
Snipper App

Making developers life easier

Meet Snipper - a native snippets manager, built with Swift4 for MacOS exclusively, aiming to be a single tool for saving your day to day working notes, snippets of code, and just a good helper in the developer's life.

*** Main Features ***

* editor with the syntax highlighting
* multiple programming languages are supported
* markdown support
* different storage types
* light and dark themes are included

*** Storages ***

Snipper designed in a way to support multiple storages, and the supported storage types will be extended in the next versions.

The v1 provides two storage types:

* Local storage
* iCloud storage

Local storage is designed to store your snippets only locally.

With the iCloud storage, your snippets will be stored in the cloud by your Apple ID, and it allows to sync the user's data between multiple apps on the different computers. It's really handy when you want to share your snippets between the working machine, and your own at the same time.

iCloud storage uses a private database. Only the user can access this data through a device authenticated with their iCloud account.

Snipper is designed and implemented as the offline first application, so the iCloud storage doesn't require a constant internet connection when your work with it.

*** Editor ***

The editor is built in a way to fit developer needs.

Besides syntax highlighting and full markdown support with the preview mode, it provides the next features:

* Showing of invisible characters
* Showing of line numbers
* Tab size customization
* Insertion of spaces instead of tabs
* Font customization

Hopefully, you'll like the Snipper App, and it will help you to be more productive and organized.

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