Stand4 vs Wispform



We are the social network for social good

Stand4 is a social good technology startup headquartered in Boynton Beach, FL. On it, users will be able to take Stands for their favorite causes. Stand4 is the simplest way for you to make your mark on the world. No matter if you’re on the go or sitting on the couch, you can take Stands for your favorite causes. For every Stand you take, we donate.
Once the Stand is taken, the user will receive project updates that show the exact impact made so they can see all the lives they’ve helped touch, problems they’ve helped solve, and overall impact they’ve made on the world in one place.
Soon thereafter, users will be able to support causes in many other ways that include traditional support metrics (like donating, volunteering, or signing petitions) as well as entirely new ways to show support. Anyone who wants to make an impact can do so with Stand4.

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Create beautiful, conversational forms and surveys

Wispform offers a simple form builder so that anyone can create beautiful forms and surveys. Forms are conversational and highly engaging, making it a perfect solution for use cases like contact forms, registration forms, application forms, and interactive surveys.

Wisform operates through a generous free tier as well as a $10/month paid tier that will get you 5GB file upload, custom thank you screen, logic jump, ability to take payment, pdf export and unlimited questions and responses. If you are familiar with tools for forms and surveys, this would be the most affordable option you will ever come across.

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

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