

Your automated meeting note-taker

Echo is your meeting companion, your automated note-taker, task delegator, insight propagator, point of interest capturer and your β€œwhat did they just say?” helper.
Never forget a valuable insight ever again.

Featuring an automated note-taker with a 95% accuracy (the same understanding of the human brain), an action propagator which at launch will provide over 1,200 integrations to the likes of CRM systems, Project Management tools, Messaging and communication providers, so that content that is generated in meetings can be shared, logged and stored so easily.

Echo will become a platform that you will use on top of every single remote conferencing platform that exists today.

Initiate your calls from Echo, share your invites with Echo, store the valuable meeting content in Echo, and share the clips that mattered the most, straight from the Echo console.

Location: Surrey, United Kingdom

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